Are you feeling the pinch at the gas tank these days and perhaps are conserving energy by having fewer non-essential outings? The same applies for the grocery store. We certainly know what spending is when it comes to money. Keeping your vehicle in good repair helps to get the most you can out of a tank of gas. Meal planning and grocery budgeting are important as well. There is no one today who does not understand the concept of a full tank - half tank - quarter tank - empty tank - reserve tank. No one who would knowingly go across the desert on an empty tank.
So, why is it so hard to understand that the human body is not so very different to your car – it needs to be taken care of, kept fueled with high grade food, kept in good running condition with proper exercise and a positive mindset? We have a gauge on our car that tells us when the fuel level is getting low – which we (mostly) honor and fill up before we get dangerously low or run out of gas. When we don’t honor that fear, anxiety and worry set in. Will I make it to the gas pump in time? Emotions spend energy: more than you can imagine. Emotions are the outward projected image of the internal organ out of balance. The Dao doesn’t want you to deny any emotion – just to keep them balanced and not stuck like an old vinyl record. Experience it. Learn from it. It becomes your past almost immediately to use as a “reference library”. Even modern neuroscience has mapped the lifespan of the flight or fight chemical response in the body. 90 seconds and then it dissipates in the physical body. So, maintaining those fear or defensive emotions after that become choice - Detach from it so that it does not “poke holes” in your energy tank. We are always spending Qi…. Don’t allow your tank to become like a colander!
Why ignore our own energy levels and push beyond the “quarter tank” level to the point of exhaustion - illness – and dis-ease. There is a good rule of thumb when practicing Taiji – and that is not to give 100%.... for you open yourself up to the potential of being pulled off balance and there will be nothing in reserve for you to respond with. What is the rule of “enough”? 70% expressed … 30% in reserve.
[ which is also the rule of pre heaven and post heaven energy reserves …. But not for this discussion] Take as good a care keeping your own energy charged up as you do your vehicle and your smart devices. No better an example is with my solar powered camper van last week…. A glitch (on my part) had the van run to 0 percent battery. Even after all was resolved it STILL took more than 24 hours BEFORE it showed any signs of charging…. Like I said… the human body is not so different.