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Primordial Soup

Ahhhh, soup. That nourishing substance that heralds memories of your family's comfort food. Even better is how your friends and family might feel about your soups. These past many years, I tend to make stewp (Stew + Soup). You usually need fork as well as a spoon, as I want to pack as much magic and Qi into it as I can.

Which brings me to as well as.

As well as being a Martial Art ... Taiji is the highest level of a healing Qigong art.

As well as all the tangible and measurable benefits that western science has brought to bear and published on said Taiji and Qigong forms - the benefits that are not measurable far exceed.... making these arts logical as well as illogical and magical.

We are firmly rooted in the 21st century and all of the internet, zoom, wireless and blue toothed technology and the apparatus they connect. It just it. Do we understand all the science and technology behind these easy and oft used tools? Some do. I don't. I am more that glad to use them - as well as - more than glad to put them aside as well. Find the balance between using and setting aside. Find the balance between doing and non-doing.

Trust there are more layers to the Taiji and Qigong that you do. Activate them with knowledge and intention and create a more nourishing and rich broth (energy field) around you to ladle up. Access it. Create a new logic out of the illogic. And you will have the form as well as the formless.

Just as you know with certainty that you have the exact same recipe given to you directly from your grandmother, you also know that they never seem to taste the same. It is a this as well as that paradox. The Qi and love she puts into it is beyond measurable and yet it is real and tangible to you: full of love.

Peel back the layers of your practice. Find the this as well as that. Trust that the speed of thought is as the very least the same as the speed of light. So said Einstein.

And access the fuel of the Universe to nourish your body and spirit with magic and Qi.

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