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Primordial Soup - Part 2

This isn't about leftovers - or as my mother would say,

"Same song, second verse."

It is about - how complex doesn't necessarily mean better - Simple can be just as profound. Although, if you are making chicken soup, there should be chicken in it.

Let's look at Zhuan Zhuang (standing meditation). It is a complete qigong form on its own as well as being found at the beginning and the ending of many Qigongs and Taiji forms. It has many variations on a theme as well as many names (standing like a tree / like a post etc.). It can look very subtle or very dynamic. At the core though is the profound simplicity of doing no(thing)- standing in ultra stillness - ultra emptiness. And in that WuJi - is all the potential imaginable as well as unimaginable, if we will ALLOW it.

Starting with the soup 'base', we must have a good foundation. We have been standing since we were somewhere around one years old, taking it for granted until those times when we can't. And THAT gets your attention fast.

But THIS standing is something altogether different. It strengthens, balances, heals. I tell my students and more often my 'almost' students (the ones I may never see again) that if they only did one thing - then learn and explore and refine and DO standing meditation. EVERY DAY. Start with being comfortable - then add more quality time and intention. Adjust your "seasonings". Let it simmer. Let go. Just be. Enjoy the nothingness of standing like a tree.

It can take a lifetime of simmering (refinement.) And like soup - it is never the same twice. Oh! and by the way, just like your granny's recipe - there are some hidden ingredients. Some you have to find on your own. Some that can be written between the lines. Bon Appetit!

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